When you first open your Vegetable Prescription box you may be amazed by the variety of healthy vegetables included in your box. But have you ever wondered how these vegetables are grown? Receiving a fresh package of healthy vegetables is just one step of a long process involving many people and procedures.
Your vegetables are grown on 2 acres of gardens at the World Hunger Relief Farm, known as The Farm in Waco, TX. Staff and volunteers at The Farm do everything that is needed to produce the vegetables – such as planting, weeding, watering, harvesting, and packing. The Farm’s growing practices provide the best possible vegetables, care for their staff and volunteers, and are cost effective. One example is our commitment to maintaining the soil with organic products, which keeps our soil and employees healthy and provides more nourishment for those eating the vegetables. You can learn more about our practices here.
Once the vegetables are grown, harvested, and washed they are packed in boxes and delivered to patients at the Family Health center to cook and enjoy. For those who are not enrolled in the “Veggie Prescription Program”, or those who are and want to buy even more vegetables, a wide variety of vegetables are brought to the Waco Downtown Farmers Market every Saturday morning.
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