Market Garden
We cultivate nearly two acres of high-density vegetable production throughout the year. The produce that we grow at Spring Lake Farm goes to multiple places, with the majority sold at our Waco Downtown Farmers Market booth on Saturdays, Bridge Street Market on Wednesdays, and local restaurants.

Our Fruits and Vegetables
Our growing methods have always been centered around sustainability, keeping us from eating the life out of the soil! In order to affect change in our larger food economy, these methods also need to be productive and efficient to provide viable economic models for the farmers of tomorrow.
We use principles that care for the soil, are healthy for the growers, and nourish those that will eat our produce. These include:
- Adding organic material, such as compost, to the soil
- Rotating crops so the soil nutrients are never depleted and our produce is full of vitamins and minerals
- Planting cover crops between growing seasons to suppress weeds, build productive soil, prevent erosion, and control pests and diseases
- Using only organically-approved fertilizers and pest control
- Intensively cultivating smaller acreage with hand-powered tools

Our Fruits and Vegetables
Our growing methods have always been centered around sustainability, keeping us from eating the life out of the soil! In order to affect change in our larger food economy, these methods also need to be productive and efficient to provide viable economic models for the farmers of tomorrow.
We use principles that care for the soil, are healthy for the growers, and nourish those that will eat our produce. These include:
- Adding organic material, such as compost, to the soil
- Rotating crops so the soil nutrients are never depleted and our produce is full of vitamins and minerals
- Planting cover crops between growing seasons to suppress weeds, build productive soil, prevent erosion, and control pests and diseases
- Using only organically-approved fertilizers and pest control
- Intensively cultivating smaller acreage with hand-powered tools
Local Food: From Our Farm to Your Table
Our seasonal produce and meat can be purchased at our booth at the Waco Downtown Farmers Market on Saturday mornings or at the Bridge Street Market on Wednesday evenings.